Wednesday, April 3, 2019


The last time I did a CURRENTLY post I was on Spring Break, so what better time than an entire year later to update with another one?  Since I'm currently once again on Spring Break with a pause to update a blog I'm not sure anyone even reads anymore, here is what's been going on in our nonstop, but oh-so-wonderful life...


*Loving - having a DOG!!!!  Yes, that's right.  Because I didn't have enough on my plate, I added another family member to our circus.  Sweet, sweet Laney. <3  It's a loooong story...
And it all begins about six months ago when Cameron checked out two books from the library on beagles, wrote me a persuasive letter on why a beagle is the perfect dog for our family, and started saving her money to help buy one.  I said no, nope, no way, absolutely not... and then six months later a one-and-a-half-year-old sweet beagle needed to be re-homed and pretty much fell into our laps and we are all just so in love and gosh she is just perfect for my trio and me. <3  And it made my mama heart so happy to help CK's dream come true because y'all, that girl is amazing and deserves every bit of joy Laney brings into her world.  And she pretty much lights up the rest of our worlds, too!!

*Reading - Michelle Obama's memoir - so intriguing.  Gosh, I love that woman.  Also?  I have a looooong list on my phone of BOOKS TO READ.   I am such a bookworm and really need to keep reading as a part of my daily routine in order to be the best version of me.  Also, if I haven't mentioned it, becoming an author is my lifelong dream.  And in my opinion, the best way to prepare for that is to read, read, read.

*Waiting for - Netflix to update with a new season of The Walking Dead!  I was hot and cold with the show for awhile, and then I got hooked in big time.  I'm not quite as big of a fan as my mama, but when she decided we should go on the backstage tour in Senoia (where they film the show, about 40 minutes from my house!) I was all in.  And we had the best best time and it was SO COOL!  And now, I cannot wait to watch the newest season since I've seen so much of it all up close and personal.

*Trying to -slooooowly ease my way back into exercising.  Because y'all, I have been in the boot-of-misery for ELEVEN WHOLE WEEKS.  And after an MRI confirmed the original diagnosis and that it's just taking awhile to heal, I was given the go ahead to wean myself out of the walking cast and begin light exercise based on pain level.  And the angels sang HALLELUJAH.

*Excited about - celebrating the end of a successful school year that has challenged me in the absolute best way possible.  Going back into a classroom was so scary for me this year... And I've almost made it!  And gosh I'm just so proud of my students and my work wife/teaching partner and yes, myself!  It's going to be so very bittersweet when this year comes to an end next month, and I'm honestly already feeling allllll the feelings about it.

*Working on - getting over the fact that I just took down my very last crib!!  Brooks has been climbing out of his crib nonstop, and when a sweet neighbor offered up a bed for him, I took it - and then promptly left it in pieces in the playroom for awhile.  I think I was in denial about putting my baby boy caboose in a big boy bed!  But, the time has come, I guess.  And to say he is excited is quite the understatement...

*Enjoying - watching my two kiddos playing spring sports!  Which is a huge change compared to how I felt in the fall...  I think I aged about ten years during the fall months of extracurricular sports, but for some reason this spring has been less stressful and oh-so-fun!  Maybe it's because the kids are loving it, which brings me so much joy?  Maybe it's because everyone is a little older, which lightens the mama-workload a bit?  I'm not sure, but I what I am sure of is that I'm loving being a soccer-tball-mama right now.

*Using - my Ninja blender, every.single.morning.  I never thought I'd be someone who drinks a protein shake in the mornings, because this girl right here loves food and needs to chew to feel like I've actually consumed a meal.  But y'all... I've started making some nutrition/food changes and also started a new vitamin program (which I'll blog all about soon!), and I can tell a huge difference in how I feel!

*Wearing - a left shoe!  Woohoo!!

*Planning - on squeezing in some swimming lessons for Everette (and possibly Brooks) before pool days are upon us.  My wild boys have NO fear when it comes to the water!! 

*Singing - some good ol' throwback songs that make me want to JAM.  I recently created a playlist, and you guys, it is super embarrassing.  Like, I went through all the songs I ever had on my iPod (remember those?) back in the 2000s and just added a whole bunch of random songs. #ashleesimpson #dontjudge -- and I'm not going to lie, I love jamming to some throwback songs at the top of my lungs!

*Needing - a new podcast to listen to.  I usually listen to something every morning while I'm getting ready for work.  I loooove Jen Hatmaker's podcast, and prefer something in the same category - like something that makes you think and feel and ponder and pray and has all the self-help I can get.  And I need a new Netflix show to binge-watch -- less self-help and more addicting/guilty pleasure please.  Suggestions?

*Listening to - my gut, my intuition... In a recent counseling session, as we talked about following what my heart/gut tell me, and second-guessing myself... she asked me, "When was the last time you regretted a decision you made?"  I sat there and thought for a good long while... "I can't think of anything..."  "I know," she said.  And then we talked about why.  Guys -- your heart, your gut, that pull on your soul, that intuitiveness -- it's real.

*Learning - I can't be all the things to all the people.  I can't be everything to everyone.  This is and always will be a hard lesson for me...

*Doing - a lot of snuggling with my trio.  About midway through the school year when I was feeling overwhelmed and drowning and disconnected from the three most important little humans in my life, I realized how much better my days ended and began again when I had about 10 minutes with them piled on top of and around me in the comfy corner of our couch right before bedtime.  Now it's a nightly routine that we all look forward to alllll day long. <3

*Wishing - that sunshine and warm weather were here to stay.  We've had a couple warm, sunny days sprinkled inbetween some awfully cold, rainy weather and I've forgotten how much good ol' vitamin D feeds the soul.

*Dreaming of - a MINIVAN!!  Lord I never thought I'd say that.  Ha!  But I'm in the market for a minivan and after figuring out what I want, I can honestly say that I am so excited about toting around my trio (+ Laney!) in a good ol' minivan.  Judge all you want, because automatic sliding doors will be life.changing.

Happy, happy warm-and-sunny-and-pollen-covered-spring-day!!


  1. Love your blog! You should definitely check out Schitt's Creek on Netflix - it is HILARIOUS! :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by! And oh my goodness Schitt's Creek is like my new most favorite show EVER!!
