Friday, October 21, 2016

The Friday Five!

Obviously I'm not able to blog right now like I want to, and it's killing me.  I have so many thoughts, so many emotions, so many things I want to get written down.  But life is like OMG right now so sitting down and pouring my heart out and finding therapy in my writing is having to take a back seat.  So I'm attempting to document our lives a little bit, because it's the only way I'll ever remember life during these blurry, crazy days... and I'm hoping one day in the near future I can get back to writing from my heart, because oh how it soothes my soul.

Obviously the main reason for my lack of time starts with a B and ends with a ROOKS.
Oh this boy... I still absolutely cannot believe he is ours.  We all just love him to pieces.  He certainly isn't the easiest baby (see:  I HAVE NO TIME TO BREATHE DURING THE DAY)... but I don't really think it's his fault.  He's got some reflux issues, and it's basically impossible to try to start working toward a schedule/predictable routine with two other kids in tow - so poor caboose always has to deal with things changing minute-by-minute.  I really am hoping that as we get a little more settled into life as a family of five, I can work toward making his day somewhat predictable - and really it's more for him than for me.  I truly think babies thrive on a flexible routine - or at least CK and E sure did.  It's just so hard to manage things for him the way I was able to for the others, ya know?

We had such a great time celebrating our five year old, y'all!  And I still cannot believe she's so old!!  From making her feel so special on her actual birthday, to a PreK party, to her actual birthday party, it's safe to say CK loved every minute of turning a whole hand.
And as for her birthday party - I had the cutest invitation made by my friend Amy at One Good Name - seriously, y'all, she is the BEST and will create just about anything you want!

I had big dreams of having a movie theater-themed party with popcorn, a concession stand, personalized popcorn buckets, etc.  But then I had a baby and life was like WOAH and CK decided she wanted to watch a princess movie and have a princess party.  And so I threw all my Pinterest-like party plans out the window, let CK pick out all of the princess-themed decor she wanted from the good ol' Dollar Store, grabbed some bags of popcorn and cheeseballs, baked a quick cake, kept the invite list very small, and called it a day.  It was basically the opposite of anything you'd ever see on Pinterest, and CK declared it to be the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER.  The kids watched Beauty and the Beast for about 25 minutes before deciding they'd rather run around and play with balloons and make lots of noise.  Then it was singing and cake and presents and more running around, and my girl's day was made.  So take that, Pinterest.

I had my six-week, postpartum checkup this week and I basically skipped into the doctor's office so excited to be cleared to start running again!  Until I got shot down.  No running yet, womp womp.  This body needs a couple more weeks to heal before I can try to start jogging off this jiggle (she types as she eats a KitKat).

Anyone else obsessed with the Cat and Jack line at Target?  I want ALL OF IT for my kids.  It is just so so cute!
Like this hat!! I'm also obsessed with the kid in the hat... absolutely cannot get enough of his personality lately. <3

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Cat & Jack shut up and take all of my money!!!!

    I adore your caboose!!!! <3 <3

    1. I cannot go to Target without buying SOMETHING Cat & Jack.
