Friday, October 7, 2016

5 on Friday!

Happy, happy, HAPPY Friday!
I've got the workout itch you guys!  I am four weeks postpartum and am dyyyying to go for a run!  Obviously I haven't been cleared to exercise yet, so I've just been walking around the 'hood with both my boys in the double Bob.  And I know if I even tried to run my pelvis and bottom would hate me... but I am counting down until I am cleared to work on this jiggly mom bod!

Who is excited about fall tv?!  This girl!  We all know T and I revel in the guilty pleasure of DVR'd shows once the kiddos are in bed.  I am so excited about all of the shows starting back up, and some new shows - here's looking at you, This is Us!  And we just finished watching the entire Breaking Bad series on Netflix - such an awesome show!  Now I need to decide what we'll binge watch next...

Y'all, we have been absolutely spoiled since Brooks arrived.  Local friends have been bringing us dinners and all kinds of goodies (y'all are the BEST) - I cannot tell you how helpful this is!  The post-preschool-pickup, pre-daddy-getting-home time is rough... I don't know how I'll ever manage to get dinners cooked during that time while managing the witching hour with a 4-year-old, 1-year-old, and 4-week-old.  It is only because of my awesome friends that are we eating decent dinners!  
And it is only because of my kids' grandparents that our house is not completely upside down.  They have visited and loved on us and completely spoiled us by cleaning the house from top to bottom, doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, etc.  But the best part?  Seeing them play with CK and E, who are understandably a little neglected right now as we find our new normal.  My trio sure does love when their grandparents come to town! And also when other family members drop what they're doing and make the trek to visit - here's looking at you, Aunt Whit!! <3

Caboose update - he's eating, sleeping, crying, pooping, and snuggling!  We're loving him to pieces, and he's already growing way too quickly.  He had a great checkup last week, and had gained over two pounds in two-and-a-half weeks!  He has a poor, torn-up bottom that we just can seem to get clear - the doctor prescribed a prescription cream to hopefully get the rash outta here.  And poor buddy spits up like no other...  So we've started some Zantac and we really do feel like we're seeing improvements!  It's so cliche to say, but I absolutely cannot believe we've had our little B for four whole weeks!

And I can't believe how well the big siblings have adjusted to life as a family of five!  I really am so, so proud of CK and E.  Cameron hasn't missed a beat, and is just the sweetest little mama with her littlest brother.  And Everette - gosh he seems so grown up all of a sudden!  And I won't lie - he cannot be left alone in a room with Brooks, because he will lay on top of him, squeeze his hands, try to pull off his toes... BUT, I truly believe it's just a way to express his curiosity, the way he is exploring this tiny little human that has taken over our house.  It's been tough with E, honestly, to try to teach him to be gentle - and he's had a few more timeouts than normal - but I am so proud of and surprised by how well he's adjusting, all things considered.
The big kids are spending a couple days in Atlanta this weekend at their Aunt Beth's house, and I am incredibly thankful we have family members who make them feel so special during a time when they've had to be so patient and understanding.  Meanwhile, T and I were gifted with two days during which we only have to parent one kid!  And with that, I'm off to enjoy my last 24 hours in a much quieter house!  I hope to soak in some relaxing newborn snuggles while also finding the motivation to be productive...
 Have a wonderful weekend!

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