Wednesday, August 5, 2015

3/4 of 1 Year

To my 3/4 of a 1-year-old:

To a little boy who has me completely, without-a-doubt, wrapped around his little fingers;

To a little boy who gives the best slobbery kisses and who is having fun screaming and making all kinds of consonant sounds and experimenting with his voice;

To a little boy who is starting to show hints of separation anxiety and who has forgotten how to sleep through the night;

To a little boy who is crawling on all fours, and FAST, and who will put any and everything into his mouth;

To a little boy who is equal parts sweet and silly, and who loves to try to do things to make you laugh;

To a little boy who claps and who gets so excited by the vacuum;

To a little boy who does sign language for "more" and "all done," and who has four adorable teeth;

To a little boy who is such a MESS, and whose favorite person in the whole world is his big sister;

To my son, to MY little boy...

You make me want to be a kinder, happier, sillier, better person.  I'll never know what I did to deserve you, but I will spend every single day thanking God for the opportunity to be your mama.

With all my heart and soul, sweet Everette. <3

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