Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Brain Dump

We just wrapped up our first week of me going back to work, and the best I can do with this blog right now is a Sunday Brain Dump.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy some random thoughts from my scattered mind...

*I am going to LOVE working part-time!  I use the words "AM going to" because, so far, I've had some sort of appointment almost everyday this week right after work... So, by the time I get home from said appointments, it's almost the same time I used to get home when I was working full-time.  But on the day I actually picked Cameron up at 1:00, came home, and spent the afternoon being productive and playing with my girl, it was AWESOME.  So once the dust settles a little bit and we get into a routine, I AM GOING TO LOVE WORKING PART-TIME!!

*There is so much I want to share on this blog - so much I was to open up about.  But I'm just not ready yet.  It's all still so raw, like a new wound that stings in the breeze - but when things start to heal up a bit, hopefully I'll find the courage to be vulnerable.

*Y'all... Cameron Kate has been using the potty ALL WEEKEND!  It really came out of nowhere.  We've had the potty for awhile, but we've never pushed it and honestly I've felt way too lazy to even attempt potty-training.  Diapers are so much easier.  But on Friday I threw out a casual, "Hey, wanna pee in the potty?"  Which resulted in a little plastic frog potty full of pee, the potty dance, and a handful of M&Ms for CK.  She's continued to go all weekend long, and this morning asked me if she could go herself.  Took off her pants herself.  Removed her diaper herself.  Then called me in there to hold her hands (I'm guessing it makes her feel safe?) and she POOPED IN THE POTTY!  Overshare?  Maybe.  But all the mamas out there know this is a BIG DEAL!

*And while we're on the topic of my favorite little girl, I swear she's grown up so much over the past few weeks.  All of a sudden, she's just that - a little girl.  Asking me questions, "What's that, mama?  What color is that, mommy?" and asserting her independence, "No mama, those my shoes!  I'll put them on!"  And while toddlerhood still requires the patience of a saint, I am absolutely in love with her age right now.

*Speaking of saints (nice segue?), now that our summer weekend craziness has come to a close, we're finally able to get back into our Sunday church routine.  For the first time in many years, I actually look forward to Sunday mornings and the peace church brings me all week long.

*And also, I downloaded a Daily Devotional app on my phone that I LOVE!

*I ordered Cameron's 2nd birthday invitations yesterday - ahhhhh!  I'm so excited, but also I can't believe she's almost 2!

*Tomorrow is our first day of school with kids (we've only had teacher workdays so far), and I have to say that I'm quite nervous!  The first-day-of-school-jitters still hit me, nine years into this gig.

*I had acupuncture last week for the first time, and I just might be hooked.  I'll be going again this week, and may go ahead and sign up for a package of 10 sessions.  I have to say I went in quite cynical, but walked out refreshed, relaxed, and hopeful.

*When T and I watched all of the Homeland episodes and had to join the rest of the world in anxiously waiting for season three to begin, we decided to give Dexter a shot.  Needless to say, we are HOOKED.  However, we JUST finished season one, and I believe there are seven seasons, so we have a LOT of catching up to do.

*We've decided to try to clean up our eating a bit - which means more organic and less processed foods.  We're not going crazy with it all, and will still enjoy indulging (like yesterday's trips to BOTH Coldstone AND Chickfila), but I'm honestly already feeling a bit better and I hope we can slowly, but surely, make good progress with what's in our pantry.

*Last week CK and I got to accompany one of my very best friends to her 12-week ultrasound.  When her husband and mom couldn't attend, I was so honored that she asked me to tag along.  Cameron ADORES her "Aunt Yindsey," and we pray for the baby in her tummy every night.  It was so, so special to be there and see the little miracle up close, before he/she even makes his/her debut.  I can't WAIT to find out the gender of the little nugget in just seven short weeks!

*Now that Cameron is away from the house for the first half of each weekday, I'm having to pack her lunch.  Packing a toddler lunch is tough!  I'm already running out of ideas and we're only one week in.

*My little sister is getting married in a little over two months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*CK's summer gymnastics class came to an end, and we decided to switch back to Kindermusik for the fall to change things up.  I have to say, I wish we could afford both.  I love them both for different reasons.  So I think for now we'll alternate between the two.

*I've said it before and I'll say it again - I wish I was good at and enjoyed cooking.  Bleh.


Happy end-of-August!

1 comment:

  1. didn't you know...
    doing ANYTHING on that potty is such a BIG DEAL!!
