Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sweet and Sour 4.5

You are sweet and sour.

You are a gentle soul and a wild spirit.

And today, you are four-and-a-HALF. I am such a sucker for you, Everette.  Always have been, always will be.

And buddy, you are a tough cookie.  You can be defiant and challenging and irrational and emotional and rough and you are seemingly always toeing the line of trouble.

BUT. You are so very lovable and have one of the kindest hearts, one of the most genuine souls I have ever known.  There is a light in your eyes that inspires me every single day to never lose hope.  I saw it the minute the doctor put you on my chest after you were born.

Being your mom stretches me and challenges me in ways I need, and I am a better person because of it.  Because of you.

Everette, being your mom makes me so, so happy. You are affectionate, so snuggly, and you are by far the very best hugger in our family. 

You love nerf guns and wrestling, Power Rangers and superheroes.  

And you always wake up super grumpy, refusing to start your day until I snuggle you.

You've become a picky eater, but just like your mama, you've got a sweet tooth like no other.

You've found your niche with tball, and I think you actually may have some natural talent out there on the baseball field.

You are all boy and so very energetic and like to jump off of anything and everything.  You adore your sister and yes, Brooks, too.... though mostly you just want to wrestle and tackle him all day, everyday.

You have fallen in love with our Laney, and don't tell Cameron - but I think you may be her favorite. <3

Your wild hair matches your wild spirit... God has a sense of humor, that's for sure.

It's hard to believe that you, my buddy, are four-and-a-HALF.  It seems like just yesterday you were one lone follicle visible on the ultrasound screen during a failed IVF cycle... 

But then... a miracle.  Hope coming to life.  An answered prayer.  A dream come true.

Thank you for making my life an adventure.  Thank you for loving me so good, even when I don't deserve it.  Thank you for teaching me how to be a boy mom.  Thank you for being my perfect little sweet-and-sour Everette.
I love you with all my heart and soul.


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