Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful, Today & Always

If I've learned anything throughout this year, it's how to remain thankful always -- even in the midst of a storm.

I'd be lying if I said it was easy to wake up each morning since January and focus on my gratitude.  But, as I've put in the work to wade myself through this heartbreaking season, I have made a decision - a conscious, effort-filled decision - to try to focus on my thankfulness, my gratitude, each and every morning... from the minute my eyes open and I take my first breath of the new day.

How can I not feel so overwhelmingly grateful when I get to spend my life being their mama?

This year, we continued our daily Thanksgiving tribute by adding to our thankful banner.  And this year, CK and E had the following as part of their thankful lists (Brooks wasn't quite ready to participate):
Cameron Kate:
Our House
My Cousins
My Friends
My Family
Mrs. Shadrix
Mrs. Leo

The Color Orange
Going to School
Miss Katie
Miss Shannon
Ranch Dressing

So on this Thanksgiving, my most favorite day of the entire year, I find myself feeling so thankful to have three amazing, healthy kids - three kids who have had their little worlds rocked, but who are happy and joyful and resilient and strong and brave and who make me so, so proud.

I am thankful to be unconditionally loved by a God who will never, ever betray me; who I can trust without borders; and who may not be able to guarantee a pain-free life, but who does promise that joy will come in the morning.

I am thankful for my "framily" - my family and friends who have gone above and beyond to make me feel loved and supported and strong and brave.  So, so brave.

I am thankful for a job that never feels like work, students who make me want to be a better version of myself, and colleagues who inspire me every single day.

And I am thankful for Thanksgiving.  A day where we eat and drink and be merry, surrounded by some of the most important people in our lives.

Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you and your people.  Love, me and mine. <3

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