Friday, January 6, 2017

First 5 on Friday of 2017!

Hellooooooo first blog post of 2017!  I've been a little MIA, but am popping back in for a minute with a little Five on Friday to kick off the new year.

Since I tried to step away from technology a little bit throughout the end of December, I wanted to do a little Christmas/winter break catch-up!  We had such a fun time celebrating the holidays throughout the entire month, and here's a little of what we did:

We visited our favorite local Christmas tree farm and picked out a tree, which ended up with the wonkiest trunk I've ever seen, and thus became the leaning tower of tree-sa.

We TJ also decorated the outside of the house!

 The kids were obsessed with their Advent calendars all month long (thank you Grammy!):

We went to the Rudolph puppet show in Atlanta with our cousins (thank you Aunt Beth!):

CK had her Christmas performance at church:

We <attempted> some Christmas crafting:

And enjoyed our elf Zoombie's shenanigans (so much fun this year!!):

 We went to an awesome "Santa" party, where the kids were able to get up close and personal with the big guy.  It was so magical!  (Thank you Kristen!):

 As previous mentioned, we had our annual BLOMPSmas:

 We went to a local pottery place to paint this year's plate (love this idea I stole from my sister Lindsay!):

And I got in lots of snuggles with this little guy... if you would've told me at Christmas last year that we'd have another baby at Christmas this year, I never would've believed you.  But oh what would I do without him?!

We had friends over to decorate our gingerbread house:

And enjoyed the very mild Christmas weather!

And went to my friend Molly Kate's annual Christmas Eve Eve brunch:

And ate candy canes for breakfast:

And I got very emotional at this year's Christmas Eve church service... <3

We prepped for Santa with reindeer food on the lawn and cookies on the fireplace and reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas:
 (Hashtag TWO YEAR OLD):

And oh the magic of Christmas morning:
 And perhaps her favorite gift, a Catboy costume a la PJ Masks... a gift she decided she wanted about 48 hours before Christmas, and "I asked Santa for it in my bed last night and he heard me and it's not too late because he is magical."  THANK YOU AMAZON PRIME.

As for my favorite gift?  This beautiful, incredible necklace my hub had made for me with the birthstones of each of my babies. <3
 And hopefully a new family tradition?  Ice skating the day after Christmas!

 We cured the cooped-up-crazies with some trips to play in the gyms at T's work:

 And good ol' T put together lots of toys and made lots of battery runs:

My girl and I went on a movie date:

And these two watched many Christmas movies:

 And honestly, we just had tons of time to play and play and play at home!

All in all, the Peele party of five really had such a wonderful, busy-but-lazy Christmas and winter break!!

We also had such a fun New Year's Eve!  For the first time since we had kids, T and I went OUT for NYE sans-kids.  We got a sitter for all three (and she was awesome!), and a group of us went out to dinner.  After dinner we went back to my friend Brooke's house to watch the Clemson game (wooohooooo Tigers are headed to the Natty!) and celebrate the end of 2016.  We laughed and danced and played games and laughed some more and toasted the new year and it really was so, so fun!

And speaking of 2017, do you make New Year's resolutions?  I usually come up with some things I want to focus on/work on, and this year is no different.  Though this year there is one in particular I've had on my mind for a couple months - something that is long overdue and something I am so excited to "do better" from this point forward. <3  I tend to keep my resolutions private, and this year is no different - and I'm sure I will make mistakes and find some moments of failure with my resolutions this year, but I hope with all my heart that each day finds me staying focused on doing, on being better.

So with Christmas and winter break and the New Year's festivities behind us, I have to admit that I was so ready to get back into our routine.  While I've gotten much more laid back three kids into this whole mama gig, I still think children (or at least mine!) function much better on a routine.  And I think by the beginning of this week we were all ready to have a little more predictability back in our lives!

And that predictability was thrown for a loop when winter weather was predicted for our little southern town today!  Mention the word snowflake and everyone rushes to the grocery store for the ingredients to make milk and egg sandwiches.  (Why does everyone want milk and eggs and bread, anyway?)  Meanwhile I picked up some wine and the ingredients for homemade donuts and nachos, because #essentials.  I did also scoop up a little snowboard/sled thing and some snow gear for the kiddos.  So we are officially ready for Snowmageddon 2017!  And my little southern self is so excited about the potential for a couple inches of snow!!

I'm off to change into inside-out-backwards pajamas and put a spoon under my pillow and flush ice cubes down the toilet to hopefully bring on lots of snow for my excited little crew - Happy New Year!

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