Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kindness Inspires Kindness

When you're stuck in the darkness, and you're clawing to get out, you have to find a purpose, a reason to move forward.  And yes, of course, I have my sweet CK... but after our loss, I felt like everything was meaningless and trivial.  I needed a new reason, a new purpose, a new plan for each day.

After some soul-searching, I decided the first way to try to step into the light would be to do something for somebody else.  I didn't want to focus on myself or our loss - I wanted to look forward instead of looking back.

I stumbled upon the blog of a girl who started a "Kindness Inspires Kindness" project for her birthday.  I wasn't capable of doing the project on the scale that she did, but I knew that even helping one person, making one person smile would be enough.  Maybe, just maybe, teaching my daughter the meaning of kindness would be the first step to healing my broken heart.

We're only in the very beginning stages of our Kindness Inspires Kindness journey, and it has already been so therapeutic for me, for us.  I have a whole list of tasks I hope to accomplish throughout the entire holiday season, and I will share all of our kindnesses when we're finished.

Here is how we got started:

I'm not sharing this to say, "Look at us!  We're doing things for other people!"  I'm sharing this so that maybe, during this busy holiday season, our kindnesses will inspire YOU to "be nice to people," as CK says.


  1. Jess, I am so inspired by your strength. Look forward to being closer and learning from you. . You are a rock star., and don't ever forget it.

    1. I'm looking forward to being closer to you, too, Nancy. Thank you for your inspirational words. <3

    2. I LOVE this!!! I want to do this too. You are such an amazing person and mother. You inspire and amaze me.
