Sunday, May 10, 2020

To Them, on Mother's Day


To the little girl who taught me true, unconditional love...
To the little girl who is my sunshine, my mini-me, my deep-thinker.
To the little girl who inspires me with her compassion, her kindness, her selflessness, her love of being just exactly who she is.
I promise to always love you to the moon and back and more than anything in this world, my girl...
Thank you for making me a mama. <3

To the little boy who taught me to never lose hope...
To the little boy who is my soft spot, my rule-breaker, my snuggler.
To the little boy who inspires me with his fearlessness, his sensitivity, his silly faces, his concern for those around him.
I promise to always love you with all my heart and soul, my buddy.
Thank you for teaching me how to be brave. <3

To the baby boy who taught me to believe in the impossible...
To the baby boy who is my caboose, my comedian, my boundless happiness...
To the baby boy who inspires me with his zest for life, his laughter, his outgoing nature, his constant questions ("Why do we have bellies?  Why do we have trees?").
I promise to always love you enough and SO big, my 'Boosey.
Thank you for reminding me to always choose joy. <3

To my trio...
You are my biggest smiles, my deepest belly laughs, my hardest decisions, my bravest choices.
You came into my world and changed everything about me.
Because of you, I am exhausted and content.  I am scared and full of courage.  I am chaotic and oh-so-still.  I am worried and full of faith.
I promise to always let you pile on top of me to start and to finish our days together.
I promise to love you as far and as deep and as big as I can.  I promise to say I'm sorry when I make so many mistakes.  I promise to believe in you, always.  I will be your safe place, the keeper of your wishes, the kisser of your boo-boos, the pusher of your swings, and your very biggest fan, always.
I have so many dreams for you, for us.  And I am the luckiest mama in the whole wide world because I get to walk through this beautifully chaotic life loving you with every single ounce of who I am.
Thank you for making me a mama, for teaching me to never lose hope, for reminding me to always choose joy.
To the moon, with all my heart and soul, enough and SO big~

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