Monday, September 3, 2018

40 Things

Because I'm currently in a season where I am ALL about trying to give myself grace, and a season in which I have no other option than to keep it real, to find humor in the insanity, to take things a little less seriously...

I've compiled a list of forty things I will never claim to do well.  And truth be told, it was hard to narrow it down to only forty! HA!

So, after many heavy posts lately, without further ado, here are 40 things I am bad at doing:

1. Sleeping in (my brain just.won't.stop.)

2. Turning lights off around the house (so annoying, I know!)

3. Ironing

4. Parallel parking (I will drive around a block thirty times if it means I don't have to parallel park)

5. Picking up toys around the house (because I really don't care if the Batman lego car and Doc McStuffins blood pressure cuff sit on the kitchen floor for weeks #aintnobodygottimeforthat)

6. Responding to texts (SORRY friends!  it's gotten so bad that once every week I'll scroll allllll the way back in my phone and see who I forgot to text back!  Usually I've responded in my head, just not in actuality)

7. Couponing - though this would probably help my struggling bank account

8. Applying makeup... mostly because I'm too impatient. Which leads to...

9. Being patient.  Lord this is so hard for me!  Especially after 4:30pm.  At this point my patience level is basically at like a negative eight.

10. Folding clothes.  Or maybe I should put folding fitted sheets.  That's like a cruel joke.

11. Sewing

12. Cooking - I wish I was good at this!  I love to bake, but cooking is just not my thing.

13. Getting my hair cut regularly

14. Skipping dessert.  I pretty much always have to end a meal with something sweet.  ALWAYS.

15. Not worrying about what other people think

16. Picking the fastest lane in a drive-thru, grocery checkout line, etc. etc. etc.  I will pick wrong every.single.time.

17. Singing.  I love to belt out a song at the top of my lungs, but boy am I awful!

18. Crafting.  I suck.

19. Napping - I can never just lie down and take a nap.

20. And #19 is probably because I am awful at getting my brain to just STOP.  Stop thinking and feeling and wondering and worrying.

21. Laughing.  Y'all, I have the worst laugh.  Like full on Roseanne-style.

22. Keeping plants alive.  I can keep all the tiny humans happy and thriving, but give me a stem with leaves and flowers and there's just no hope.

23. Doing hair any kind of cute way.  Probably also has to do with my lack of patience.

24. Eating healthy after 2:00pm.  By this time of day, all bets are off.

25. Wrapping presents.  Giving gifts is one of my love languages, but I am TERRIBLE at wrapping!  Which is interesting because I think a wrapped gift is so much better than a gift bag.

26. Letting my food touch.  Do NOT let my food touch on my plate, pleaseandthankyou.

27. Operating without a plan.  BUT.  I have recently learned that I'm much more spontaneous than I ever gave myself credit for. :)

28. Sharing food.  Hashtag SELFISH.

29. Worrying about alllllll the things, big and little, allllllll the time.

30. Writing in cursive!

31. Staying calm...

32. Expressing little emotions before they become big emotions.  I am a FEELER.

33. Giving myself a break, letting myself sit still, allowing myself to do nothing.

34. Flossing.  I'm actually better at the dance than the dental version.

35. Finishing a book.  It takes me like six solid months to read a book from cover-to-cover.

36. Listening without interrupting.  Sorry friends!  BUT, I do think I'm getting better at this.

37. Staying awake on the couch at night.  If my butt hits the cavernous, comfortable, swallow-you-whole death corner of my couch, I am dunzo.

38. Ignoring a to-do list.

39. This is a new one for me -- but trusting others wholeheartedly.

40. Asking for help.  I'd rather go at it alone - tired and haggard and stressed and overwhelmed - than ask for/depend on someone else.

And there you have it!  40 of the many, many things I STRUGGLE with.  Here's hoping you'll stick with me, anyway!!

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