Saturday, June 16, 2018


6 - 1 = 5

28 years ago, our family went from 6 to 5 when we unexpectedly lost my dad.

Today, exactly 28 years later --

We are 27.

There's been some adding and subtracting... some expected, some not - some joyful, some heart-wrenching...

But when you get to the end of that equation?


That's the number of people in my family right now.

28 years after that dark, Saturday night...

WE ARE 27.

A dear friend asked me the other day - how do you feel about it?  The anniversary of your dad's death?

Truth is, I'm not sure.  It changes, it varies, it's never the same.  It depends on where I am and what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling on that specific June 16th day...


I'm all over the place, especially based on where I find myself in my life on June 16th, 2018.

But at this exact moment in time?  I am so eternally grateful for the 27, and can't imagine my life without them and without me being who I am right now...

Dad, I may always have questions.  I may never understand.  But when I see those rays of sunshine in the sky?  You know, the ones that are like intentional lines straight from the clouds, connecting the above to the below, reminding me to keep shining?  I know that's you...  and every single time I see them, I say, "Hi Dad.  I see you -- thank you." <3

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5)

And to my 27?

I love you all so very, very much...

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