I Always...
--have to end every meal and snack with something sweet. No meal is ever complete without satisfying my sweet tooth!
--brush my teeth and wash my face before I go to bad. It doesn't matter how tired I am or what the night has consisted of... I absolutely cannot fall asleep without a clean face and teeth!
--say prayers with Cameron Kate before she goes to bed. Actually, T and I both do. It's something the three of us share every single night.
--wonder if CK will EVER get back to enjoying bath time. Kid loves a pool, hates a bath.
--pop my knuckles. It drives TJ crazy, and I don't even realize I do it!
--have a bottle of water with me, wherever I go. I feel naked without it. I drink liters and liters and liters of water a day.
--put chapstick on before going to bed. Another thing I have to do before I can fall asleep!
--eat breakfast.
--sleep better when we have fresh clean sheets on the bed.
--I wish Cameron wasn't such a light sleeper, because I always want to sneak in and watch her sleep. But if you even put your hand on her doorknob, she'll wake up.
--I will snack throughout the day instead of eating lunch. Breakfast and dinner are non-negotiables, but lunch I could do without.
--I wish I had a stylist and a personal shopper. I feel so clueless when it comes to getting dressed!
--my sweet tooth is out of control. Yesterday, I had a cupcake and a milkshake within the span of about four hours.
--I wish we traveled more.
--I think I should seek therapy for my fear of storms/tornadoes. It's bad!
--I want to try to find a job in higher education... maybe one day!
--I wonder if writing this blog is a silly hobby - but I'm hopeful that by turning the posts into a book once a year, it will serve as a "journal" for my family.
--I wish kids' birthday parties hadn't turned into such a Pinterest-inspired industry. We're on a pretty strict new budget, and I really need to keep Cameron's upcoming party low-key. I just hate how everyone else makes them such big to-dos! I'm terrible at that stuff!
--I can't decide if I like my hair short or long.
I never...
--sleep through the night without waking up at least twice.
--leave dirty dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is always emptied as soon as possible so that dirty dishes are out of sight.
--regret my decision to go part-time. I'm loving the balance of work and play and feel so fortunate to have this opportunity!
--put gas in or wash my own car. T always does it for me.
--take a minute with my daughter for granted, and I never will.
--want CK to grow up. I'm having so much fun with her these days!
--follow through with anything I pin on Pinterest.
--read enough scripture. I'm doing better now that we're able to be regulars at our church, and I love my daily devotional app. But scripture always brings me peace, so I need to read it more.
--feel like getting ready. I HATE putting makeup on and drying my hair!
--go to bed without a cup of water beside me. Apparently I'm pretty obsessive-compulsive about my nighttime habits.
--imagined my life would look like it does right now. But I love the ups and am pushing through the downs!
Happy Saturday!!
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