Saturday, July 28, 2018

What does BLOMPS even mean? And BLOMPS Beach Trip 2018

I need to preface this post with an explanation of BLOMPS.

I cannot tell you the number of people who have been all WHAT THE HECK DOES BLOMPS MEAN.  A coworker was 100% convinced it was my maiden name.

Hi, my name is Jessie Blomps.


So, BLOMPS is comprised of the letters of my parents', siblings', and my last name letters.

There ya have it.

Now, onto the BLOMPS beach trip... a trip we take every single year, a trip in which we arrive so so excited and drive away from absolutely exhausted.  And then within 48 hours my kids and I are counting down and anxiously anticipating when we'll be surrounded by our favorite people on the beach yet again...

Where the ocean meets the sand has always been a happy place for my trio and me...  and this year's trip to the shore did not disappoint.

Brooks at the beach last year as a ten-month-old was awesome.  But this year?  I wanted to bottle up his smiles and giggles and happy screams and awe and put it in a mason jar on my shelf.

E loved the beach and omigosh I can barely handle seeing him in this hat then and now...

CK may still love the beach more than all of us combined... and she and her bestest-friend-cousin Rals were, as usual, inseparable from start to finish:

My trio and I snuck away for some alone time in downtown St. Augustine.  Nevermind that Everette got his head stuck inside of a 400-year-old cannon at a national monument and I almost had to call the fire department.

There were so many happiness-filled moments with all of the precious mini BLOMPS.

I enjoyed every single second I got to sit next to and laugh with and listen to and talk with my parents and my siblings.  Our late night, game-filled porch parties made me laugh so hard that my abs and cheeks literally ached from the happiness.

It’s as if being in the place where God tells the water exactly how far to go before it turns back around brought a peace to my soul, forcing me to just- BE STILL.
Somehow amidst the beautiful chaos of our annual beach week (which included 25+ people in one house!), I managed to sneak in some time to be alone...
I reflected on this trip exactly one year ago— a time during which I was trying so hard to be brave in the middle of feeling so brokenhearted. Everything felt so heavy, so confusing, so emotional, so lost, so hard, so scary.
And now, a year later... I am FOUND. 
I am happy. I am home. I am living real and raw and honest. I am peaceful and light and joyful in the deepest parts of my soul. Life certainly isn’t easy, but it’s definitely the most beautiful version of my life I have ever known. And that is a state of being that only comes from Him...
“You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace...
For I am Yours and You are mine
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior.” —
I so look forward to continuing my walk in the sunshine while choosing to live in a place of hope. Hope... ALWAYS.

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