As I've historically done (here are a couple of my previous posts), I decided I couldn't let 2020 end and 2021 begin without reflecting on the past year.
Truthfully, 2020 was good.
So freaking good.
And sometimes it's hard to admit that, because I know it was so hard for so many.
2020 brought me the reason for it all.
The reason why I believe I had to be heartbroken, the reason why I had to watch life as I knew it completely fall apart, the reason why I had to learn how to live and love life alone.
2020 brought me strength during uncertain times.
It brought me courage when it felt easier to hide in fear.
It brought me obedience to wait, when I wanted to run.
It brought me hope becoming reality.
Here is what 2020 looked like for me, looked like for us, starting back in January... the month I decided to trust Him, wait with obedience, and pray fervently for provision.
I began with the decision to take a breath, spend more time outdoors, and truly feel the essence of who we were as a family of four.
The month of Everette getting an un-wiggly tooth ripped out of his mouth and me almost passing out during the process, our annual BLOMPS beach trip, and so many at-home (and one not-at-home) date nights with Adam!
Realizing how much I love outdoor adventuring with him, soaking up summertime with my trio, and finally finally FINALLY introducing my boy to my family, knowing in my heart that one day they'd be his family, too. <3
The month where they met him, and their hearts began to fall hard, just like mine.
Never been happier to have a first day of school in my whole life.
Never been happier to be at the beach in my whole life. <even with the the most skin-biting-bugs in the history of the world> LutonPalooza was a weekend I'll always remember for so many reasons -- one of which was Adam meeting more of my most favorite people!!
Never been happier to meet a 6-, 7-, and 11- year old in my whole life. <3
The best and easiest yes I have ever, ever said. A yes not only to him, but to his four - four incredible little souls I believe I was always walking toward, always supposed to love.
My most favorite holiday ever ever falls in this month, and this year I got to merge most of my favorites with most of my favorites. Thankful, thankful, thankful.
My first Christmas morning ever without my kids, a day I've been dreading for three years post-divorce.
And then.
It became so obvious that God was always in control, giving me him and them, and the beautiful chaos of celebrating three Christmas mornings in a row.