Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Summer Catch-Up

Well hellooooooo a summer that's already halfway over!  How in the world did that happen?!  Because life has me consumed from sun-up 'til sun-down, this blog has been quite neglected.  And will probably stay neglected, if I'm being honest.


I try to pop in here every now and then and catch up on the makings of our little, crazy world so that I never forget what life was like in the chaos of being a mama of a 5-year-old, 2-year-old, and 9-month-old...

*We've spent as many summer hours as possible in the POOL!  I have three little fish who absolutely love the water.  And I cannot believe that CK, who once cried all the way to swimming lessons because she was terrified, will now jump off of the diving board for 45 minutes straight.
 I guess he wasn't quite ready to show off his summer body?

*I had a wonderful first Mother's Day as a mama of THREE!  TJ surprised me with a bike, which I have been wanting for years.  And I got to spend the weekend with my own mama. <3

*Brooks got some tubes in his tiny little ears.

*We spent Memorial Day weekend in Columbia visiting my parents.  Another pool party, lots of grandparent play time, and my BFF from NC came with her sweet daughter to visit.

*Our Meme came to visit!  The kiddos had such a good time soaking up some Meme love, and we appreciated all of her help around the house.  For a solid four days, my life didn't feel quite so upside down!

*One of my most favorite weeks of the entire year?  Vacation Bible School!!  This was my fourth year teaching at VBS, and it did not disappoint.  It does a heart good, being surrounded by kids and Jesus.  And the only person who may love VBS more than me?  Cameron!

*The caboose is officially 9 (and a half) months old!

*We've had water balloon fights...

*And lots of time on the back porch and in the backyard...

*And eaten way too many popsicles.  By the way, do you have popsicle holders for your kiddos?  Game-changer.  #yourewelcome

*Cameron went to soccer camp and absolutely loved it.  We really may have a soccer star in the making!!

*And this week CK is in her last camp of the summer.  I gave her a list of camps to choose from... and maybe, possibly tried to bribe her to do cheerleading or gymnastics or dance camp.  But what did she choose?  Secret Agent 007 Camp.

*The kids have befriended our neighbor, and she has officially become a part of our family.  She watches the kids on a moment's notice, and begs us to come swim in her pool.  CK and E ask about her everyday and I officially don't know how I ever survived without her.  We <3 you, Kelly!

*I got rear-ended.  With minimal damage.  But still, it was my first car wreck!

*We're in the throes of potty-training.  Please send me ALL THE WINE.

*We snuck in some trips to some cool local playgrounds.

*I'm finally back into my pre-sunrise runs, and forgot how much I love them.  As hard as it is to peel myself out of bed that early, there is nothing like that alone time, watching the sky change colors, spending time just me, Jesus, and the road.

*And also?  It has been the rainiest.summer.EVER.  Which means I've almost sold the kids on Ebay.  But I've managed to pass the rainy time with some ChickFilA ice cream and indoor playground time, some tent picnics in the playroom, some budget-blowing trips to Target, some bounce-house-in-the-living-room action courtesy of TJ, some puddle-jumping, some local library events, and a little a lot of Netflix.

 *So, I've always had some concerns about Brooks' hearing.  And then he kept failing his hearing test.  And kept having ear infections.  And got tubes.  And still failed his hearing test.  So yesterday, the caboose and I left the house in the 4am hour to head to a hospital in Atlanta so he could undergo an Auditory Brainstem Response.  They sedate him (whew, tough on this mama heart) and watch how the brain responds to all different sounds/tones.  And y'all?  HIS HEARING IS PERFECT.  He's just got some teeny, tiny little ear canals that are curved and therefore won't pass the typical hearing test done in an ENT office.  PRAISE GOD!

And that, my friends, is pretty much how we've spent our summer so far.  I cannot believe it's already halfway over.  It's been busy and slow and hard and enjoyable and exhausting.  And it will all continue as the kids and I are getting ready to embark on a road trip to visit some grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins... and then it'll be time for our annual BEACH TRIP!  I can already hear the noise that is BLOMPS, the ticking of the Catchphrase timer, the waves, and the sound of the beanbags landing on the cornhole boards.

Happy last-week-of-June!!