Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy <3 Day from my three little Valentines, who make my heart want to explode each and everyday...

Also?  I cannot handle this sweet girl and how much she adores her daddy.  Luckily, for the sixth year in a row, he said yes...

Friday, February 10, 2017

5 Months + one day

My sweet, joyful, giggly little caboose is five months old (+ one day).

He loves to be held and worn in the carrier, loves to play peek-a-boo, loves his older brother and sister, and loves to watch our dog, Bailey.

He finally prefers sleeping on his tummy, but has decided sleeping through the night is for the birds.

And now, when you put him down on the floor, he will roll and scoot and twist and maneuver his way all around a room.

He is a little ray of sunshine when you need it the most. <3

I am so incredibly grateful that God decided you belonged to us, and us to you.  For the rest of my life I will look at you with such peace, knowing you were always meant to be the most perfect final piece of this family.  I love you enough, sweet boy.  I love you so big.